Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Zurker: A Social Network Owned By Its Users

Guide to Zurker

after the full discription of Zurker.Here is a quick guide to understanding Zurker.Join Zurker From CLICK HERE.


As you may have guessed, zurks are important on Zurker. Zurks are what our friends at Palo Alto refer to as "like," "recommend," or "share."
We didn't think "like" is an appropriate term. It may be good for, say, a photo of you on your wedding day. But is it right to "like" a post which says, "My aunt just passed away from lung cancer" or "60 Whales Beached in New Zealand"?. You'd be pretty tactless to say Oh I LIKE that, that's awesome!. So at Zurker we have zurks. To Zurk means to appreciate the fact that the member shared the information. It means to support the intent behind the act of sharing, and it can mean to like, to love, to commiserate, to respect, to admire - as appropriate for the occasion.
Members can zurk your posts, photos, comments, and just about everything. Your zurk count is shown on your profile and also, in some areas, as a little number following your name, like this.
Pareshdudhagra152 Your zurk count goes up when one of your items is zurked, it goes without saying, but also when you zurk something. Give karma, get karma.

Connects and Subscriptions

This may throw a few people, so pay attention. To connect with someone is to establish a two-wayconnection, sort of like becoming friends on Facebook. One member initiates the connect, the other accepts it or rejects it.
But what if you are Johnny Depp, and millions of people want to connect with you? You'd be getting thousands of connects every day. Not a problem - if you get more connects than you can comfortably handle, you can restrict your connects. Only those with the required information (such as your mobile phone number, or the name of your pet) will be able to connect with you.
It's still possible to keep up with celebrities, though, by subscribing. A subscription is a one-way follow like you have on Twitter or GooglePlus. The difference - and this is a very crucial difference - is that members are not notified when someone subscribes. This is to discourage indiscriminate subscriptions aimed solely at generating reciprocal subscriptions, also known as SPAM.

Nickname Aliases

This is a cool little feature unique to Zurker. If you've known your baby brother as "Spikey" all his life, then you can set a nickname so that he appears to you as "Spikey" whether he sets his display name as his real full name or some other nickname. The nickname is for your convenience only and is seen by no-one, not even Spikey himself.
The names of members in your contacts with nicknames you've set appear in italics.

Street and Home

At Zurker we classify all incoming news as either Street or Home. Under Home goes news that affects you directly, such as someone commented on your photo, initiated a convo with you, zurked your update, replied to your comment, and so on.
On the Street, meanwhile, you will find out what's been happening with your contacts or subscriptions. If someone posts an update or uploads a photo, you'll see it on Street.
The Zurker development team has developed fairly sophisticated agglutination technology to ensure that you don't get overwhelmed by specific users or items. All events under Street are agglutinated, and many are agglutinated under Home too. Note to our dear friends at Palo Alto and Mountain View - we have patents pending for all this so drop us a line before copying it.
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Tags are Zurker's powerful way of ensuring that you stay in control. When you connect with a member, you tag him/her with a tag of your choice. For example, a classmate might be tagged as "school." Someone at work might be tagged as "office." An annoying relative whom you dislike but have no choice of staying in touch with might be tagged as "moron." The tags you apply to people are seen only by you and never by anyone else (unless you let them login to your account).
When you post an update, you can specify your audience by checking the tags. This determines who will receive news about the update. For example, if you are posting about a bake sale, you might check the tags "school" and "scouts". If you are posting about a rumor of the impending demise of Globodyne Corporation, you might want to check the tag "office."
Similarly, you can quickly and easily check or uncheck tags when on the Street, to filter what you see. Uncheck "morons" and you won't get any news from people whom you tagged as "morons." Uncheck everything except "family" and you'll find out only what's happening with your blood relatives only.
For some screenshots and more details, view our page on tags.

Updates, Photos, and Finds

If you write something, whether just three words ("Me so horny") or a 5,000-word essay, we call it an "update."
Photos are... photos. You can keep them in albums. You can specify the audience and the visibility (who gets notified about it and who sees it) for each individual photo, or you can let the default album settings take effect.
Finds are links from the web, such as websites, pictures, videos, news stories, blog entries, and so on. Other members can zurk or comment on your posts, photos, and finds.
Join Zurker  CLICK HERE

Wall Notes

Walls are a space on profiles where you can leave notes for a member. While the note is directed specifically at that member, others can see it and join in the conversation (unless restricted by the Wall owner). Leaving a note is the perfect way to congratulate a colleague who just got a promotion, to wish a member luck for a trip, or even to welcome a new member to Zurker. At other social networking sites, Walls play a different role, but on Zurker leaving notes on walls is a handy way of getting in touch or touching base with a member as you don't need to be connected, and notes are much more casual than convos.


Convos (i.e. conversations) are Zurker's equivalent of private messaging or email. You can start a convo with just one other member or several. Only those involved in the convo will know about it. You can attach files to your convo, and more features are coming.


Entities are what our friends at Palo Alto call "pages". These are profiles for companies, organizations, bands, movements, and so on. Entities can post items such as photos just like regular members, and members can subscribe to entities just as they do to other members.
Note that there is no limit to the number of entities you can set up, but they are not free. If you want to set up an entity for your business, it will cost you a small fee (about $1). The entities feature is not quite ready yet but we will be releasing as soon as possible.
Join Zurker  CLICK HERE


vShares make the world go round. vShares are stakes of ownership in Zurker. You can actually own a slice of the company that runs Zurker.
vShares are so important that we have a separate page devoted only to vShares.

Open Books

Zurker is unique in that we practice open-book accounting, called Open Books. Every cent we receive and spend is recorded in full public view. It may seem inconceivable to some to run a business without any secrets. We believe that in the near future, it will be inconceivable to run a business with anything less than full transparency. 

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